Hair tissue mineral analysis kit

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Hair tissue mineral analysis kit

This basic package contains the full report only (informative report for the patient and a more technical report for your practitioner).

Results include an easy-to-read 15-20-page report with customized diet, supplement and lifestyle recommendations including:

– A complete discussion about the patterns of health and disease tendencies based upon your mineral levels and ratios.

– A customized diet plan reflecting your current metabolic type along with individualized supplement recommendations to help balance the body.


This basic hair tissue mineral analysis package contains the full report only (informative report for the patient and a more technical report for your practitioner).

Results include an easy-to-read 15-20-page report with customized diet, supplement and lifestyle recommendations including:

– A complete discussion about the patterns of health and disease tendencies based upon your mineral levels and ratios.

– A customized diet plan reflecting your current metabolic type along with individualized supplement recommendations to help balance the body.

The Trace Elements lab outlines in detail (in the report you receive) an explanation of the results as it pertains to your metabolic type. If you are just tracking on your own the levels of heavy metals and essential minerals in your body, there’s no need to pay extra for an interpretation of your results. This is why we are able to offer this comprehensive test at such an affordable price.
If you need further interpretation of your results, contact our HTMA specialist, Monika Harmund with your test results. Or if you want to work with a qualified physician we suggest you take your report (along with your doctor’s copy) to your naturopathic doctor or other healthcare practitioner for further guidance.

NOTE: I you’d like to order from the state of New York please contact us.